- Arctic Skua (x3 over moorland)
- Northern Eggar (a big fat caterpillar!)
- Chevron moth, Grayling, Peacock and Red Admiral (a good day for lepidoptera!)
- Pale Butterworth (a tiny plant in flower)
- Red-throated Diver (a barking flyover still feeding young at a moorland lochan)
- Great Skua
- Wheatear (a few still around)
- White Wagtails (return migrants)
- Sedge Warbler (feeding young in our garden)
- Twite (x4)
- Grayling butterflies (x2 on the rocky shoreline near our cottage)
- Ling Heather, Bell Heather and Cross-leaved Heath (white-flowered forms of all three)
- Hen Harrier (ring-tail)
- Volucella bombylans (a bumblebee mimic hoverfly)
- Abia nitens (a sawfly larva basking on a Devil’s-bit Scabious Flower – a first for Coll!)
- Long-tailed Tit (not a common bird out here)
- Dark Green Fritillary (still a few on the machair)
- Large Heath
- Catoptria margaritella (having seen our first a week ago we’re now seeing them on every moorland walk!)
- Heath Bumblebee
- Moss Carder Bee
- Juvenile Snow Goose (reported with x4 adults – it seems our feral birds may have bred for the first time in several years)
- Whimbrel (a return passage soloist)
- Kittiwake (c500 on shoreline rocks)
- Little Tern (flying over and calling in company with Arctic and Common Terns)
- Juvenile Cuckoo
- Woodpigeon (x3 together – unheard of Hebridean delights!)
- Catoptria margaritella (our first record of this possibly quite common day-flying moorland grass-moth!)