We also arrange other activities and events during the year.
Moth Trapping
In suitable weather conditions, moth trapping can be a hugely rewarding way of getting to appreciate the often rich, diverse and colourful (though usually hidden) aspect of an area’s wildlife. So here on Coll, we will, from time to time, set a light trap in a suitable location, attracting moths from the surrounding habitat and then, once identified, releasing them back unharmed. We will advertise these events on our website and posters. Visitors are welcome to join us in the evening for the big switch-on, and to watch any early arrivals, and again on the following morning to witness the ‘grand unveiling’ (or ‘hunt the moth’ – according to our fortunes!)
The Great Sea Watch
We are also planning a sea watching day, when a group of us will gather on a headland and spend a few hours watching what comes past – be it fishy, flappy, floaty or buzzy. Maximum wildlife enjoyment for minimum effort. Watch out for details of this event in due course.
Dawn Chorus Walk
A staple of any wildlife watcher’s calendar, the dawn chorus has now become something of an annual ritual for WildSmiths in Scotland. There is an annual dawn chorus gathering as part of the Isle of Coll Bird Festival each year and we also organise other sessions during the spring for those who fancy an early start.
For further information, and to find out how to book, please contact Greg or Sarah on 07775 520118 or by email to info@ If you have particular needs or requirements, do please let us know and we will do our utmost to accommodate them.
See here for more information about WildSmiths.