- Northern Colletes (a day mapping nesting assemblages of this national rarity with Sally Morris from Buglife. Very exciting to find them all across the machair!)
- Bordered Grey moth (only the second record on Coll for this nationally notable species)
- Heather Fly (a new species for us)
- Belted Beauty moth (a well-grown caterpillar of this machair speciality)
- Many-lobed Dandelion (we found some fresh vegetative growth today of this very rare early-season dandelion)
- Field Madder (a local rarity at a new location)
- Bitter Vetch (always nice to find)
- Canada Geese (occasional family groups being seen across the island now – they’ll be leaving soon)
- Field Gentian (a delightful late summer flower that’s having a particularly good year here on Coll)
- Frog Orchid and Twayblade (in a new location)
- Lesser Hawkbit (an uncommon plant in Scotland plant which we find only occasionally in the machair. Here it was flowering abundantly)
- Allseed and Chaffweed (a pair of nationally scarce species which are frequently seen together here)
- Whimbrel (an early return migrant with Curlews this evening)
- Greater Tussock-sedge and Lesser Tussock-sedge (our productive week continues with two more Coll rarities in the bag!)
- Hen Harrier (male and female seen today)
- Grayling butterfly (our first of the year)
- Dark Green Fritillary (still around in good numbers)
- Common Hawker dragonfly (our first of the year)
- A long walk in the eastern moors revealed several young trees: Scots Pine, Downy Birch and Grey Willow
- Bog Hair-grass (At long last!! A nationally scarce species for which Coll is a stronghold but which we’ve never been able to nail down before. This was our target species for today’s walk.)
- Pipewort (a more dependable Coll speciality)
- Red-throated Diver
- Hen Harrier (female)
- Sparrowhawk (female)
- Arctic Terns and Common Terns (both appear to be having a good year breeding on rocky skerries offshore)
- Red Admiral (our first for the year of this long-range migrant species)
- Greenshank (an early returning migrant)
- Emperor moth caterpillar
- Prickly Saltwort (hundreds of plants at its only known station on Coll)
- Sea Beet (another Coll rarity)
- Goldenrod
- Elytrigia x laxa (it’s a bit obscure but it is a new grass for Coll – the hybrid of Common Couch and Sand Couch. Not previously recorded on the island.)
- Teasel (another first for Coll – a scarce plant on the west coast))
- plenty of Heath Spotted and Lesser Butterfly Orchids still in flower
Moths 23 individuals of 15 species in the moth trap as follows:
- Poplar Hawkmoth
- Burnished Brass
- Heart and Dart
- True Lovers Knot
- Bright-line Brown-eye
- Spectacle
- Rustic
- Dark Arches
- Large Yellow Underwing
- Gold Spot
- Common Rustic agg
- Dotted Clay
- Small Square-spot
- Beautiful Golden Y
- Eana penziana
- Sparrowhawk
- Corncrake (a few calling males still around)
- Sericomyia silentis (a northern and western species not previously recorded in Coll)
- Common Valerian (only 3 locations for this lovely wetland species in Coll – rediscovered today at its original station)
- Northern Marsh Orchid
- Frog Orchid
- Common Twayblade (a bank of maybe a hundred – the only regular location for this orchid in Coll)
- Northern Colletes (two more colonies of this rare solitary mining bee found in the machair)
- White-tailed Eagle (a screaming Herring Gull drew us into the garden to observe an adult eagle low overhead)
- Shelduck (a pair on the wild sea with 6 ducklings)
- Eider (a regular female snoozing on rocks in Loch Eatharna)
- Twite (a family group)
- Orchidaceae (12 different species of orchid found across the island in recent weeks)
- Snow Geese (the regular flock of five feral birds still around)
- Black-throated Diver (a smart juv bird in Baigh Feall – not a species we see here very often)
- Hen Harrier (female hunting – it’s good to see plenty of females out and about at the moment)
- Sparrowhawk
- Arctic Skua (5 separate individuals)
- Great Skua (still in short supply around Coll this summer)
- Fulmar (several nesting pairs)
- Belted Beauty moth (a cracking find of a well-developed caterpillar of this machair speciality)
- Black Snail Beetle (Phosphuga atrata)
- Brown Chafer (Serica brunnea)
- Northern Colletes (two colonies of this rare solitary mining bee found in the machair)
- Parsley-piert (not an exciting plant – a common weed on the main land – but a first for Coll!)
- Hen Harrier (a chunky female hunting over the Corncrake fields – gulp!)
- Corncrakes (3 separate individuals seen in flight)
- Snipe (still a few ‘sawing’ and flying over breeding grounds)
- Great Skua (2 individuals seen)
- Arctic Skua (2 individuals seen)
- Woodpigeon (a single bird over fields at Acha)
- Grass Rivulet (a day-flying moth on the machair)
- Tenthredo sp (a handsome sawfly sunning itself on an Oxeye Daisy flower)
- Common Twayblades (dozens of flowering stems in the machair – our only regular site for this striking orchid)
- Frog Orchid (a good number now flowering in the machair)
- Northern Marsh Orchid (a few in the machair – including hybrids with Early Marsh)