November 2022 – Sightings
30/11/2022 29/11/2022 28/11/2022 25/11/2022 22/11/2022 21/11/2022 18/11/2022 16/11/2022 15/11/2022 14/11/2022 13/11/2022 12/11/2022 11/11/2022 9/11/2022 8/11/2022 3/11/2022 1/11/2022
30/11/2022 29/11/2022 28/11/2022 25/11/2022 22/11/2022 21/11/2022 18/11/2022 16/11/2022 15/11/2022 14/11/2022 13/11/2022 12/11/2022 11/11/2022 9/11/2022 8/11/2022 3/11/2022 1/11/2022
30/10/2022 29/10/2022 22/10/2022 21/10/2022 20/10/2022 19/10/2022 18/10/2022 16/10/2022 11/10/2022 8/10/2022 3/10/2022
16/9/2022 Pink-footed Geese (x15 over) Tansy (a new location) Pale Butterwort Lesser Skullcap (a new location) 15/9/2022 White-tailed Eagle (a pair of adults) Pink-footed Geese (two skeins of 130 & …
31/08/22 Red-throated Diver (x4) Twite (x4) Grayling Field Gentian Grass of Parassus (everywhere!) Biting Stonecrop Frog Orchid [Basking Shark (reported)] 23/08/22 Red-breasted Merganser (x14) Hen Harrier (ring-tailed) Chaffweed Allseed Isolepis …
29/7/22 Hen Harrier (ring-tailed) Curlew Great Skua Arctic Skua Pheasant (the last one on Coll?) Cuckoo (recently got by a Sparrowhawk) [Long-eared Owl (reported)] juvenile Robin (recently fledged) The Great …
30/6/22 Common Blue Damselfly Blue-tailed Damselfly Large Red Damselfly Heath Fragrant Orchid Water Lobelia Pale Butterwort Creeping Soft Grass 28/6/22 Hen Harrier (male) Arctic Skua 27/6/22 Moorhen (3 adults and …
30/5/22 Hen Harrier (male) Whitethroat Twite (x2) [Reports of Sowerby’s Beaked Whale dead on a beach] 29/5/22 Great Skua (x2) 17/5/22 Great Northern Diver Tufted Duck Hen Harrier (ring-tailed) Snipe …
30/4/21 Angle Shades moth 29/4/21 Great Northern Diver (x7) Whimbrel (x2) Great Skua Arctic Skua Linnet (singing in garden) Twite (singing in garden) 26/4/21 Great Northern Diver (x3) Tufted Duck …
30/3/22 White Wagtail (x3) Twite (x70) (Golden Eagle reported again) 29/3/22 BLACK REDSTART (female type) 27/3/22 Red-throated Diver Great Northern Diver Linnet (first of the year) Herring Gull (a single …
28/2/22 Whooper Swan (x10) Greenland White-fronted Geese (x7) Hen Harrier (male) Woodcock (x1) 27/2/22 Skylark (a flock of 7 moving south) 25/2/22 Greenland White-fronted Geese (x8) Peregrine (two separate individuals) …